Playboy of the Western World stars Christy Mahon a man who has built himself up to be a person who he would like to truly be. After attempting to kill his father, he runs to a new town who worships him in a false reality that he is some kind of a hero. The entire village runs around pretending to “love” him and all the girls want to be his girlfriend. In the mean time, Christy is off reciting meaningless poetry to Peegen who thinks he is the greatest thing ever. The trouble with love is, that you can’t tell what is real and not. The people that you would think you could trust, are the ones that tend to be the first ones to back out when the going really gets tough. This play is a warning, beckoning people to question their love and those who are really worthy of it. So do we protect ourselves from all the people that potentially hurt us or take a risk and being completely humiliated?
It was just today that I had an in depth conversation with my friend whose parents divorced after thirty seven years. It makes me think, is there even a happily ever after? What if you get left thirty seven years into your marriage? What do you do now when you’re 50 years old? Life is nearly half way over and you can’t just take it back. Is it even worth the pain and hardship for a few years of content?