"Mother is putting my new secondhand clothes in order. She prays now, she says, that I may learn in my own life and away from home and friends what that heart is and what it feels."
It suddenly hit me that Stephen has learned to love himself. Love what he is, has learned and will become. Love what he believes, or lack there of. Humans are meant to love one and other, but it is not possible if you don't love yourself first. We are nothing without the gratification of ourselves. If we don’t love ourselves then we don’t even know where the limit ends on how much we can sacrifice. It is important that humans do not sacrifice their entire selves for the betterment of someone else. It is rare, especially at our age, that we will benefit from what was given up.
I am proud that Stephen decided that defy his own religion, it is a step even closer to knowing what he is about and loving the person he is. His heart told him that this God was not for him. Stephen is the only person who can truly find what his heart wants.